
Westward Movement

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Comfort Zone Attack - week 1

One thought I've had as I make this career transition is that I won't have the same close bonds with children I've had for so many years. That piece makes me a little sad, and also leads me to say I won't have the same sort of stories to share. 

After so many years in the classroom teaching, I rarely thought about what I needed to do on a daily basis - it was second nature. This is a whole different ballgame - and staff and students have not yet arrived! I know the learning curve is steep, and I also know that several months from now I'll look back at these words and be amazed by what I have learned. What's the point of doing anything if you're not learning!? That's an easy thing for me to say at 9:45pm - I may have a different sentiment at 5am!

Last Monday was my first day on the job. The week was filled with making decisions about budget and building - things that classroom teachers rarely have a say in. Arts in Action is expanding, and the logistics of determining which space to use, where to place staff, etc., are hardly issues I assumed I'd be facing as I completed my admin program. Decisions have been made, though, and tomorrow I'll start to dig into areas a bit more familiar. There is so much, but how I handle it all will send a very strong message. Thus, while work must get done, so must living a good life, getting rest, spending time with those I love. And so I shall ... do both. One will likely win for a bit. :o)

Sweet dreams.

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